Location: Florence, South Carolina

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Too Much Drama!

Friday Jhett & Sterling both had their Terrific Kids Awards. I have pictures, but I can't seem to get them to post on here. I'll put them on whenever I can get it to work. I think I have a computer bug. My computer keeps doing funny things. After Jhett's Ceremony, we went outside to leave to go & get Pud & my truck wouldn't crank. After further investigation, I discovered that the terminal post to the battery had rusted out & broken off in the battery. So, I took Emily back to work, kept her car, & went to get Sterling & then drove to Santee to meet PawPaw so the boys could go back to Barnwell for the weekend. Then I drove back, went to the auto parts store & got a battery & a post, & Emily & I went to fix the truck. But to no avail. I didn't have the right tools. So we decided since the parking lot of the school was well lit, we would leave it there until after our weekend getaway. We ended up just staying in Florence at a hotel. It turned out quite nice in spite of the drama. What really hurt my feelings about the whole thing was that my daddy didn't offer to help me one bit. What kind of dad is that? I know if Mammie & Papa was still alive, Papa would have made sure that the Avalanche was fixed the same day it broke down. But oh well. Coulda woulda shoulda. He hasn't even called to see if it's fixed or not. I know if Emily's car broke down, Mr. Ben would have asked her if she needed help in a heartbeat. Anyway, we went back over there today to try one more time, & I almost got it, except I couldn't get the bottom bolt that was securing the battery loosened. So, I called my Uncle Manley who is a mechanic & lives here in town. He's meeting me today after work to fix it for me. He didn't hesitate a bit when I told him what happened, & that I already had all the parts. Makes one think about one's place in a family. The truth hurts.
Yesterday Sterling came home from school with the stomach virus. He threw up twice, but was back to normal this morning. Kids are so resilient. Tomorrow we will get back on track with the word game.


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