Location: Florence, South Carolina

Friday, January 20, 2006

Labor Pain or Toothache???

They say that labor pain is the worst pain that you could feel, & having experienced it first hand, I have to say that I agree...up until yesterday, that is. I've been having a terrible time with an upper back tooth of mine. It had an old filling in it, & a crack. So, after it hurting for about 2 weeks, I decided it wasn't going to quit on its own, so I went to the dentist on Monday. Dr. Griffin drilled the old filling out, & put a temporary medicated filling back in. Said he could put a real one back in in a few months. But if it didn't stop hurting...root canal & crown timeor extraction. By yesterday, I was literally going out of my mine with the pain. I took pain killers (too many), Aleve, aspirin, anything. As soon as the doors opened, I called the dentist. At 3:00 he saw me again. This time I was in tears & nearly hysterical. He gave me 3 Advil, & shot me full of Novacaine. He was going to give me a Vicadon (?) but I told him no..I had had too much meds in the course of the day. So 2 hours later he pulled it out. Now, I think that this toothache was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. With labor, you don't really have to wait on anyone else's time table, except the baby of course. The doctor will see you immediately almost. Then you go thru the labor, & if you are lucky you get an epidural. When it is all said & done, you have a sweet little baby to show for all that hard work & pain. Well worth it! But with a toothache, forget it. You are at the mercy of the dentists' time table & when he can "work you in". And at the end all you have is a big old rotten, ugly tooth, which the dentist promptly throws in the garbage, & another hole in your head!!! No contest!!! What do you think?


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