Location: Florence, South Carolina

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Catching Up's been a while since I posted. Let's play catch up. Let's see....hmmmm...on the 4th we had family movie night & we watched Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. It was a cute little story. Of course, the boys fell asleep before it was finished. Then I woke up around 2:00 AM with the stomach flu...both ends...yuck!!! By 8:00 Sunday morning, I thought I was dying, so Emily took me to the emergency room. The doctor proceeded to knock me out with an IV, to let me sleep it off, because I was already dehydrated. He pumped me full of fluids, pain meds, naseau meds, & antibiotics. But it still took me until Friday to feel like I was once again a contributing member of society!! The bad part was that Emily got it too, which I totally didn't realize. She got over hers a little quicker though, but now she has a head cold, which she gave to Jhett!
Nana & PawPaw came Thursday to attend Sterling's Grandparents Day at school. They got to meet his teacher, & have breakfast with him & his friends. He was so excited! Sterling is Mr. Social Lite (wonder where he gets that from). Nana said that everyone Sterling passed in the hall, including the seniors, all said hello to him. He just spoke back & acted like it was the most natural thing in the world that these older kids were talking to him. He's so funny!
On the 11th, we watched The Incredibles for family movie night. The boys had hockey practice, which wore them out. So after supper & baths, they both passed out about 15 minutes after the movie started! So we'll probably have to do The Incredibles this Saturday too.
Hockey season is back in full force after a brief hiatus for the holidays. We have hockey 4 times a week. They both have improved tremendously!
Tuesday was Valentine's day. We bought the boys their Valentines to give to their friends, but Jhett didn't want any. Sterling has a girlfriend named Grace, & he wanted to buy her a Valentine heart full of chocolates. We made him buy it out of his allowance. I asked him what he was going to say to her when he gave it to her & first he said, " Thank you." Jhett informed him he should ask her to be his valentine. To which he replied, "I know what....I'll say....You're beautiful!!!" I told him that was sweet. So he gave Grace the candy, but forgot to tell her she was beautiful. He said he was the only one who gave a special valentine present! He was very pleased with himself! Jhett, on the other hand, wanted to save his allowance for Yu-Gi-O cards. I always thought Jhett would be the ladies man, but he's more into sports!
Emily gave me roses, & a box of chocolates, & I got her a box of chocolates, & a weekend for 2 at the beach. We need a vacation!!! We'll probably go next weekend or the week after, depending on the hockey schedule.
Sterling is on a health kick as of yesterday. Ms. O'Brien told him that drinking 6 glasses of water every day was good for him. So when I picked him up from school, he informed me that he was going to start drinking 6 glasses of water every day!!! I have been after him for years to drink more water. Way to go, Ms. O'Brien!!! He even actually ate his supper last night. We have Italian from Stefano's. Usually, all he wants is cereal, Ramen noodles, or macaroni & cheese.
On a funny note, remember the old saying "Step on a crack, break your mother's back"?. Well, Jhett told us the other day his version of it. He asked Meana, "Meana, did you know it's bad luck to step on your mother's crack?" Meana said, "Yes, I've heard that it is!"
The boys are studying about Abraham Lincoln & slavery & Martin Luther King, Jr. this month. One of those commercials for a childrens fund came on TV asking for money to donate to these kids in some country. Jhett thought they were for sale like slaves. He told us, he wanted to buy one. We had no idea what he was talking about! Then we realized, he was trying to assimilate the slavery times to today. We quickly explained what the commercial was really about.
As you know, we are the least prejudice poeple in the world, being lesbians & all. We teach the children that although we may not agree with other peoples life choices, we should love everyone, just as Jesus loves us. Well, having said that, Jhett told Meana on the way to school the other day that he wished Martin Luther King wouldn't have said he had a dream, cause he did not like going to school with the black people. (There are only 5 in his class.) She asked him why, & he said because they talk to much, & they don't do their work fast enough. She reminded him that Jesus loves all children, & that he should do the same. He said fine, but he wasn't marrying them! Out of the mouths of babes!


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