Location: Florence, South Carolina

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas Catastrophies

Of course, no Christmas would be complete without a few "incidents". In my office/music room, I have a full size keyboard, stand, & bench. Right before Jhett turned 2, he was messing around the keyboard stand & it collapsed on him & cut off the tip of his thumb. We rushed him to the hospital, & they sewed it back on. He has a scar & his nail grows funny, but other than that he had a full recovery. So anyway, on Christmas Eve, right before Nana & PawPaw & the boys arrived from Barnwell, I was going to move the keyboard stand so I could hang up Mama's baby picture between the two portraits of the boys when they were 9 months old. I was thinking about not letting the same thing happen to me that happened to Jhett....but it did. The stand collapsed & caught my thumb at the thickest part next to my palm. The crocodile tears came & came & came. No it was cut off, but it was smashed pretty good. About that time, Nana & PawPaw arrived with the boys. Mama came in & left Daddy & the boys outside cause we had to gather up the kitties to surprise the boys. We put the kitties away, let the boys in, & gave them the note from Santa. In the meantime, I'm trying very hard not to cry, so the boys wouldn't be upset. But the tears kept coming...I was in pain!!! Anyway, the kitties were a hit. I took some Aleve, & then Emily's parents arrived. I couldn't even open my presents which sucked, but we had a good time anyway. When they left, Emily, Nana, & I went to the grocery store, & to get something to eat at Hardee's, but they were already closed, so McDonalds it was!! I was a little out of sorts from the trauma of my thumb, so I couldn't tell the girl at the drive thru if our oder was right, so we all began to laugh hysterically. I assured the girl that we weren't drunk, but she wasn't buying it. Then we sat for 30 minutes waiting on the coffee that they forgot. Mama entertained us by recounting how she was trying to push me in the wheelchair when I was in labor with Jhett. So we laughed some more. The coffee finally came.
We went back home. Everybody ate, & we out cookies & milk out for Santa & reindeer food & sugar out for the reindeer. And waited...& waited....& waited for the boys to go to sleep. They were so excited!!! Around midnight, they were sound asleep, so we began to put out the unwrapped gifts from Santa. When all that was finished, Daddy & Emily went outside to get the trampoline (still in the box) out of the back of my truck. So Daddy is pulling it in at the doorway, & the strap broke....He fell for 5 minutes it slow motion. He stumbled backwards over the presents, and hit his back on the coffee table. Got him a big old scrape on his back. And he hit his shoulder on the wooden part of the couch. He just sat there stunned. Once we figured out he wasn't seriously injured, then we all laughed at that big 6 foot 4 man falling over the presents!!!! We left the trampoline at the door!!!!


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