Location: Florence, South Carolina

Friday, December 23, 2005

Shopping Mission Complete!!!

Whew....all the presents are bought, except for stocking stuffers, but those are done pretty quick. I ran into the in-laws, Betty & Ben at Old Navy. They have Emily a cool surprise, but swore me to secrecy. Now comes the fun part of wrapping them. That's a job in itself. We counted last night how many gifts the boys have & we came up with 33 each. Plus I bought about 5 more each today. Now I know that that sounds a bit excessive, but...the boys don't ask for anything all year long. And on the rare occassion that they do ask for something, all I have to say is "I think about it", & they say OK, and they never mention it again. SOOOOO, at Christmas they usually get eveything they want.
They just passed the law this month that you have to wear your seatbelt, or the cops can pull you over & give you a ticket. Well, I have a new law. The elderly should not be allowed to drive on the streets on holidays. This old coot ran a stop sign, & then honked at me cause I almost hit him. Even gave me the finger. It's dangerous out there. Sterling has been practicing creative ways to "point" with his middle finger. He knows it's not allowed, but he doesn't know what it means. So he shows me every day how he's not sticking it up!!!
He's fascinated with beer also. Now I don't particularly care for beer myself, unless it is 110 degrees outside, then there is nothing like it. Emily has a beer at night sometimes when she's had a stressful day. I prefer sweet & fruity drinks, like Coladas or White Russians. But I digress...Sterling talks about drinking beer all the time. Last night Mom & Dad & Jhett & Sterling went to Anthony's to eat dinner. They walked in, & Sterling tells Nana that they should sit at the bar so they can drink beer. Nana said she didn't think so. Where does he get this stuff.
They will be home tomorrow. We got 2 kittens for them...a black tuxedo named Harley cause she sounds like a Harley Fat Boy when she purrs, and a grey striped tabby named Tiger, cause she has tiger stipes. I'll put pics of them on here when I figure out how. Jhett wanted a parrot. But that's not happening! Santa wrote him a letter telling him he wasn't delivering parrots this year because of the bird flu. Hope he buys it! Going to wrap presents....


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